The 2022 Future Banking scene is set to become the meeting point for bankers, fintech founders & investors from the Middle East to the Western fintech powerhouses. The 2-days conference will act as a hearth of ideas and innovations that transform the region's financial services.
Going back to in-person events will be a plus for any stakeholder trying to approach clients, meet relevant partners or kickstart their solutions. Still, the online channel and the regional dissemination of the event will be the main benefit of joining the Future Banking Summit.
With the support of regional media outlets, we'll make sure your message reaches the designated audience.
Moreover, at Future Banking After Hours sessions, you'll be able to connect and discuss business opportunities with other C-level representatives from the banking, fintech, technology, and VC space.
Topics & debates during the 2-days conference
Touch-free payments: to invisible payments and beyond
The state of BNPL in Romania: the main actors & the enablers
The state of Open Banking in SEE: traction & challenges
Getting your fintech to market: regulatory & funding challenges
Are you ready for Embedded Finance? Use cases that moved the needle
The digital banking experience in 2022: customer expectations & friction points
Going from Legacy Banking to the Digital Core
The complete digital lending proposition: from digital identity to digital signature
Romanian Fintech Showcase - meeting the B2B champions
Bulgarian Fintech Showcase - meeting the B2B champions
Moldovan Fintech Showcase - meeting the B2B champions
The economic outlook 2022 - 2023
Building resilience in banking during downturns
The Future of Digital Public Services
Changing the mindset in banking organizations
SME lending - bottlenecks and solutions in 2022
💻 Online participation is free, go to the tickets page and register.
🤝 In Person participation is free and subject to approval by the event host, go to the tickets page and register.
🎟 If you need accomodation or access to the Networking Cocktail then choose the VIP or Cocktail tickets.
Networking lunch
Roxana Petria este în ING Bank de peste 20 de ani și ocupă astăzi rolul de Tribe Lead Customer Engagement. Este una dintre persoanele care cunoaște cel mai bine banca, întrucât traseul său în ING a cuprins mai multe domenii: începând de la Finance, echipe de proiect, echipe de risc operațional și până la dezvoltare de produse.
Roxana este foarte mândră că a contribuit la lansarea diviziei de retail ING în România și la organizarea modului de lucru cu office-urile, care lucrează în sistem de franciză. Energia și-o ia de la echipă și o investește înapoi în echipă și clienți.
Roxana Petria are background în Finanțe, fiind absolventă a Academiei de Studii Economice, cu un program de master în Contabilitatea Afacerilor.
Alex are o experiență de peste 18 ani în presă și comunicare, profesând în cadrul mai multor instituții de presă, dar și în agenții de relații publice. A absolvit Facultatea de Jurnalism și Științele Comunicării din cadrul Universității „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu.
De-a lungul carierei, a lucrat pentru Agerpres, Time Out, Magazinul Progresiv. Pentru aproape 15 ani, a fost Senior Editor la revista Biz, acoperind mai multe domenii – retail, industrie, sănătate, turism, lifestyle, cultură, diplomație.
În 2015, a fost co-fondator și redactor-șef al primei publicații dedicate raportării de CSR și sustenabilitate, CSR Report.
Alex a lucrat și în domeniul comunicării, în cadrul McCann PR și The Public Advisors, unde a lucrat cu mari companii naționale și internaționale.
Este un om de echipă, căruia îi plac provocările și gândirea out of the box. Este atent la detaliile care desăvârșesc întregul. Este dornic să învețe lucruri noi în permanență, să cunoască oameni și poveștile lor.
An experienced entrepreneur, he has developed several businesses in different fields, from technology to agriculture, real estate to manufacturing. He founded and grew a business with more than 140 employees to become the market leader in its segment in less than nine months. Former investment fund manager, among the first VC venture capital funds present on the Romanian market, he is contributing to the development of the entrepreneurial sector in Romania. A top management expert with over 20 years of experience, he holds a degree in Economics and International Relations, with specializations obtained at top universities such as INSEAD, MIT Sloan School of Management and Harvard Business School. He has worked with institutions such as Google Inc, Frankfurt Business School, DAI Inc. Specializing in investment and fund management, he is currently co-founder and COO/CIO of startup Degethal, one of the most innovative and ambitious fintech projects founded in the Romanian market, which aims to simplify the way we manage our financial lives, through traditional banking and non-banking services offered through a single platform.
As Senior Sales Manager for InfoCert Romania, Adrian is in charge of pioneering the company’s branch locally, ensuring its successful expansion among key internationally banking stakeholders. Added to his solid background in digital trust services sales, Adrian is a highly professional manager with strong technical and managerial skills, with a degree in Telecommunication and Electronics Engineering from the Polytechnic of Bucharest.
Manager cu 15 de ani de ani experiență în marketing și industria beneficiilor corporate, Alina înțelege nevoile și comportamentele clienților. Acest parcurs i-a oferit cunoștiințe vaste cu ajutorul cărora poate poziționa în piață produse și servicii dorite.
În întreaga sa carieră, clienții și nevoile acestora au ocupat primul loc în rândul priorităților, fiind conștientă că acesta este punctul de plecare în conturarea unei afaceri de succes.
Astăzi, Alina ocupă funcția de CEO al Salarium, prima platforma de plata instanta a avansurilor salariale.
Printre proiectele sale anterioare se mai numară Azimo UK, Medijobs, 7card, WorlClass si MyBenefits.
Experienced entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience ranging from management to business development, sales and marketing. Has grown a few businesses from start-up to millions in annual sales and more than 100 employees through effective business planning, creative sales techniques and innovative marketing. Capacity and competence gained through 20 years of experience in IT and Telecom products development. Demonstrated knowledge of the Fintech international environment and articulation of financial markets at a high level while also an expert in high-tech, digital and online services.
Magda Sandulescu currently serves as the Executive Director of Romanian Fintech Association, the leading Romanian Fintech Community NGO, a 3-year-old association that is contributing to EU’s and RO’s regulatory framework and fintech market development.
Manager, finance professional and banker with 20+ years of experience in telecommunication, retail banking, investment management and private equity in Romania and CEE Region.
A graduate of EMBA at Vienna University of Economics and Business, Magda has also a BA in International Business from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest.
Ornit Shinar is the Head of External Innovation and Venture Investing for Citi’s Global Innovation Labs. Ornit is a successful investor, entrepreneur and board member with a broad range of experience in consumer electronics, enterprise IT and Fintech. Ornit’s experience spans Management and Strategy, Business Development, Sales and Marketing. Some of Ornit’s investments include Forter, Honeybook, Chargeafter Biocatch, Silverfort, IVIX, Sharegain and Access Fintech. She is further on the Board of Governors of Azrieli College and the Global Advisory Board of Copenhagen Fintech.
Prior to this role, Ornit ran External Innovation and Business Development for Lenovo in Europe and Israel. In this capacity she invested and sat on the boards of Cloud technologies as well as Artificial Intelligence and biometric authentication most notably Elastifile (acquired by Google). Prior to Lenovo, Ornit worked at Citi, where she founded and ran Citi’s first Accelerator. Prior to Citi, she founded and served in managerial roles in multiple companies. She was the first investor in Audiopixels (ASX: AKP).
Ornit founded Yazamiyot, Israel's leading women's entrepreneur network, and was selected by Haaretz (one of Israel's leading newspapers) as one of 66 Women You Should Know. Ornit, who clerked for the President of the Israeli Supreme Court, holds a joint honors degree in English Law and French Law from the London School of Economics and an LLM cum laude from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and speaks seven languages.
Manager Dezvoltare Afaceri cu o experienţă de 12 ani pe piața serviciilor de încredere și promotor al conceptelor și proiectelor de transformare digitală utilizând semnătura electronică și identificarea electronică. Împreună cu echipa sa de BD a implementat proiecte e-Citizen în cadrul sectorului public pentru interacțiunea electronică a cetățenilor cu administrația publică. În sectorul privat contribuie în mod constant la creșterea ratei de adoptare a serviciilor de încredere pe piața românească, fie prin participarea ca speaker în vederea împărtășirii expertizei sale și celor mai bune practici, fie prin implicare directă în proiecte supuse proceselor de onboarding și împrumut în sectorul financiar sau în resurse umane, supply chain, procesele de digitalizare a clienților și contractorilor.
Alex are o experiență de peste 18 ani în presă și comunicare, profesând în cadrul mai multor instituții de presă, dar și în agenții de relații publice. A absolvit Facultatea de Jurnalism și Științele Comunicării din cadrul Universității „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu.
De-a lungul carierei, a lucrat pentru Agerpres, Time Out, Magazinul Progresiv. Pentru aproape 15 ani, a fost Senior Editor la revista Biz, acoperind mai multe domenii – retail, industrie, sănătate, turism, lifestyle, cultură, diplomație.
În 2015, a fost co-fondator și redactor-șef al primei publicații dedicate raportării de CSR și sustenabilitate, CSR Report.
Alex a lucrat și în domeniul comunicării, în cadrul McCann PR și The Public Advisors, unde a lucrat cu mari companii naționale și internaționale.
Este un om de echipă, căruia îi plac provocările și gândirea out of the box. Este atent la detaliile care desăvârșesc întregul. Este dornic să învețe lucruri noi în permanență, să cunoască oameni și poveștile lor.
Simona has a deep expertise in cash management, trade and business cards, working with Citi for the last 19 years. Her experience spans from implementation and product management to multinational companies’ coverage and sales. Since September 2012 she is leading Citi Romania’s TTS sales team, after 7 years as Client Sales Manager. In her role, Simona led a series of important transactions for Citi in Romania, while creating client communities with access to thought leadership on new trends (shared services, ESG). Simona is also a strong supporter of connecting people and creating development opportunities for herself and others, as such she is leading the local Citi Women Network, an internal platform focused on diversity in business and women leadership, as well as coordinating the local mentoring program for Citi employees.
Experienced entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience ranging from management to business development, sales and marketing. Has grown a few businesses from start-up to millions in annual sales and more than 100 employees through effective business planning, creative sales techniques and innovative marketing. Capacity and competence gained through 20 years of experience in IT and Telecom products development. Demonstrated knowledge of the Fintech international environment and articulation of financial markets at a high level while also an expert in high-tech, digital and online services.
Global Executive with over 17 years of business, project and people management experience in IT and BPO / Shared Services Organizations, leading complex and diverse operations / support / consultancy organizations both on site and globally.
With more than 17 years experience in people management, coordinating 400+ teams, 6+ years in project management, 6 years in the development and deployment of complex web-oriented solutions; pioneering e-commerce and online marketing in Romania, effective at building and transforming diverse, positive & customer centric organizations scoring simultaneously both top Employee & top Customer satisfaction results.
Born and raised in Bucharest, graduated Academy of Economics, living here with my wife and my 2 children.
I also have a Masters Degree in Supply Chain Management from MIT.
I am an active person, enjoying outdoor activities. Especially proud of my Mount Aconcagua climb, the highest mountain in the Americas - plus being a recurrent participant in several mountain ultramarathons.
Currently leading the Romanian branch of Revo Technologies, Alexandru has been able to witness first-hand both the beauty and the breakneck development speed of the Fintech industry – locally and globally. Financial technology, he’s come to discover, is one of the highest friction points between cutting-edge technology and the needs of human communities, able to either enable or obstruct development – commercial, financial, economic and even social. For this reason Alexandru believes we have a duty to grow responsibly and sustainably in a world where more and more aspects of our lives are becoming monetized.
Throughout my career I have been particularly driven to understand the business models and refine processes within the organizations I’ve been part of. Following my relentless motivation to consistently achieve effective solutions, this perspective has always helped me to adjust to the everchanging market dynamics and lead the way to growth and improvement. On the strength of my genuine passion to learn and grasp the complexities of wildly different industries, I’ve built a diverse background that allows me to draw on a vast range of professional experiences.
You can level up your industry knowledge and foresee the major trends that will shape the banking world and financial services.
We bring together who matters in digital banking and fintech. You can be sure that you'll have plenty of networking opportunities and innovative ideas to think about.
You can be part of the Romanian Fintech's beating heart and meet startup founders that can help you or inspire you to create some magic in financial services.
- Join 200+ like-minded professionals for a digital banking retreat
- Be exposed to relevant trends and inspiring debates
- Build your pipeline and nurture your network
- Deliver your message in a distraction-free setup
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