

Vă invităm să vă alăturați evenimentelor noastre, găzduite în platforma IC Events.

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IC Events realizează și evenimente la cerere, customizate, publice sau private. Vezi ce evenimente am realizat pentru clienții noștri și cere o ofertă aici.

Coming up

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offline Event MIND Your Business

11th Sep

MIND Your Business

Wellbeing-ul mintal în România nu mai este de mult doar un capriciu al celor din anumite cercuri sociale. Discuțiile despre sănătate mintală, burnout, depresie și echilibru emoțional...

offline Event ecomTEAM 2024

19th - 20th Sep

ecomTEAM 2024

Unlock the power of eCommerce! #jointheTEAM   Regardless of the challenges faced, one thing is clear: the eCommerce industry continues to advance and maintain its growth rate...

offline Event Future Banking Summit 2024

10th - 11th Oct

Future Banking Summit 2024

[EN] The Future Banking Summit is the largest event dedicated to innovation in the Future Banking portfolio and brings together 200-250 representatives from banking, fintech, technology or...


Future events

We like to know what the future holds.

offline Event retailArena 2024

22nd - 23rd Oct

retailArena 2024

Specialiști din retail, logistică, digitalizare și FMCG se întâlnesc din nou pe scena retailArena 2024, eveniment care ajunge la cea de-a 12-a ediție.  Teme de actualitate,...

offline Event EDC Summit

18th Nov

EDC Summit

Welcome to the European Digital Commerce event, where innovation meets commerce in the heart of Bucharest, Romania! Join us on Nov 18, 2024, for an immersive experience that promises to redefine...


Past events

It was a beautiful beggining.

hybrid Event Green Sustainability Forum 2024

19th Jun

Green Sustainability Forum 2024

Green Start-Up is bringing together the community of leaders, entrepreneurs, managers that do good and work for a durable future for the 2nd edition of Green Start-Up Sustainability Forum &...

hybrid Event CEO's Gala 2024

13th Jun

CEO's Gala 2024

Până nu demult, inteligența artificială părea a fi o simplă unealtă cu care să-ți consumi câteva minute de relaxare, fie că vorbim de Chat GPT sau de platformele care-ți pot genera o...

offline Event dotCommerce

11th - 12th Jun


Vino pe 11 iunie 2024 la a doua editie dotCommerce Digital Retail Forum, un eveniment organizat de MerchantPro - solutia SaaS de eCommerce construita pentru Performanta. Te invitam la...



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Looking to present a complex digital project to your audiences and share content to a large number of users ? Are you a Marketing & PR agency or department looking to hold press conferences or to present new services and products? Are you a company or association looking to engage clients or employees with recurring webinars or workshops?
IC Events is the right solution for all your needs.

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