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Perla Harghitei

Perla Harghitei

PERLA HARGHITEI S.A. was founded in 1990, with mineral water sources in Săncrăieni.

Water confirmed quality and modern bottling technology gives Perla Harghitei a high standard, being one of the most acknowledged superior brand in industry. Perla Harghitei mineral water is a pure part of the nature: without human intervention, the mineral water is micro-biologically pure and perfectly balanced in minerals and carbon dioxide. To preserve this unique quality and offer a high product quality for our consumers we treat our products with great care – from source to bottle. The Perla Harghitei brand is closed to consumers since 1974, encouraging them to love and enjoy nature, and providing a high quality portfolio of natural mineral waters. Available in all distribution channels in Romania and other countries (US, Canada, Hungary, Rep. of Moldova), the pure taste, various sizes and packaging options, are installing Perla Harghitei as one of the most preferred brand for it’s consumers.


Perla Harghitei S.A.

537265-Sancraieni, Harghita

Str. Garii nr. 600


T: +40 372 772222

E: [email protected]

Website: https://www.perlaharghitei.ro/


Perla Harghitei – apă de bine pentru oameni ca tine

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