If you dream about growing your business, Sameday it.
As online shopping begins to reign supreme, your company must keep up with your consumers' delivery expectations. And they aren't a few. Think on-time delivery, convenience, predictability, and sustainability, among others. But worry not. As usual, we have created a way to help your online business thrive while responding to all these modern-day e-commerce challenges.
In 2018 we introduced the easybox. Our out-of-home delivery service revolutionizing your customer experience and impacting your business growth. With over 4000 lockers installed in Romania and Hungary and millions of shipments delivered, the easybox has become a standard for convenience and state-of-the-art customer experience. It's understandable if you consider the benefits. The easybox allows customers to control their time, they're available 24/7, they allow convenient returns, and they don't have mood swings.
Our research proves that, while customers expect to have more delivery options at check-out, offering them the easybox service impacts positively the conversion rate.
Find out all the details your online shop needs to succeed right here, at our booth. You can:
- Access valuable market insights brought to you in our keynote speech by and Elena Stoica, Chief Commercial Officer Sameday ;
- Watch our webinar on business growth with valuable integration information for the easybox service, presented by Andrei Băjenaru, Sales Director Sameday ;
- Write us at any time with your questions at [email protected]
If you want to grow your customer base,
If you want to gain customer loyalty,
If you want to maximize your profit,
Sameday it.