Founder Optimized - Digital Agency
Mădălina este Consultant în Digital Marketing, cu peste 12 ani experiență în paid advertising și fondatorul agenției Optimized, specializată în performance marketing pentru e-commerce. Printre clienții agenției se numără branduri importante din segmentul IT&C, Fashion, Insurance, Home & Garden etc, iar bugetele gestionate anual în platformele Google și Facebook Ads se ridică la peste 3 milioane de EUR.
Totodată, Mădălina a lucrat vreme de 8 ani pentru Google, atât în echipa locală, cât și cea regională de marketing în calitate de Growth Marketing Manager pentru Google EMEA, devenind în acest timp Trainer Certificat Google. Experiența sa în ecommerce a început în urmă cu 9 ani, când a fondat unul dintre cele mai importante magazine din categoria Toys & Baby de pe piața locală.
Madalina is an entrepreneur and a digital consultant with 14+ years of experience in marketing for a few international brands. After gaining significant marketing experience in companies such as Google and IBM, she founded Optimized agency, focused on digital marketing for e-commerce players.
Madalina is also one of the few very few Certified Trainers selected by Google in Romania, delivering so far more than 500 trainings on digital marketing. While she primarily trains companies’ and agencies’ marketing teams, she also works with students across Romania teaching them the first steps in digital marketing. Starting this year, Madalina is also the host of Digital Lead, an online local show on HotNews.
She loves playing tenis, reading, swimming and enjoys her latest passion: tango.
She hold a bachelor’s degree in Communication and PR and she likes saying that her MBA was her business she founded 10 years ago - an online store with products for children.