ecomTEAM 2021

The new normal in eCommerce

21 - 23 April 2021

Hybrid conference by


ecomTEAM 2021

21 April 2021 @ 09:30 - 14:35 | 22 April 2021 @ 09:30 - 15:00

Attend for free

Be a part of ecomTEAM!


ecomTEAM is aimed at online stores and those who want to expand into e-commerce, service providers (processors, banks, customer service), logistics and marketing specialists, as well as manufacturers.

The ecomTEAM conference and workshops stand out through top speakers and content addressed to companies that want to evolve and quickly implement the latest tools and trends in the field.

  • Market studies
  • Workshops
  • Expo
  • Networking



Why participate?




ecomTEAM is organized online, having for a second year a dedicated virtual platform, being an extremely valuable networking opportunity, with 100% focus on your business.





We invite top local and international speakers, online stores of all sizes, the latest eCommerce startups and the strongest service providers.





We exclusively present market research on the state of the local eCommerce market, complete with debates and increased interaction with the audience.



10:00 - 11:00

Why you should sell on a marketplace

Why you should sell on a marketplace

11:00 - 12:00

How is eCommerce changing the logistics industry

How is eCommerce changing the logistics industry

12:00 - 13:00

The digital marketing trends you cannot ignore in 2021

The digital marketing trends you cannot ignore in 2021

10:00 - 11:00

Evolving eCommerce: Technologies that take the industry to the next level

Evolving eCommerce: Technologies that take the industry to the next level

13:00 - 14:00

SEO for product pages in an online store


  • How to choose the "star" products and on which it is most opportune to do SEO
  • What you can do, practically, to optimize these pages
  • How to measure results and ROI activity


An event by
Event founder   2Parale


Gold Partners

Silver Partners


Media Partners

Supported by

Previous editions of ecomTEAM:  2020  /  2019



For more information you can contact us at .

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